Co-working spaces are now preferred by large corporates and established internet firms, alongside startups. Mr. Amit Ramani - CEO & Founder of Awfis tells The Financial Express why this shift in preference.
Now work can happen efficiently even while commuting in the fully equipped Mobile Awfis. Zee Business - ZeeGnition featured Mobile Awfis on January 14, 2017.
Co-working spaces or shared working spaces is one of the most popular trends resonating with start-ups, tech companies, media and e-commerce firms in India. The concept that was relatively new but has caught on in the country, is expected to see a spike in demand in the coming years.
The concept of a mobile office is set to begin a revolution in the conventional office space. In an interview with Motown India, Mr. Amit Ramani shares his vision for Mobile Awfis and his plans for 2017. Watch the full video here
2016 has been the year of new ideas and innovation, new policies and changes in the overall economy of India. It has also been about the emergence of new business models in the start-up economy. One such new concept that has picked up steam in the Indian market is the idea of sharing workspaces.
Now you can make long commute times productive with our fully equipped Mobile Awfis. Motown India took a tour and captured the functionality and amenities of this unique offering from Awfis. Watch the full video to know more about their experience.
Now you can make long commute times productive with our fully equipped Mobile Awfis. Motown India took a tour and captured the functionality and amenities of this unique offering from Awfis. Watch the full video to know more about their experience.
I am sure many of you may have watched the ‘Office Office’ sitcom on television in the past and may have thoroughly enjoyed it too. But in the real world of office, things are never so exciting and easy. Beginning with the task of driving through thick traffic, spending hours in unending traffic jams, experiencing the pains of parking your vehicle....all of these usually take a toll on your health and peace of mind.